Puppet Guardian Wiki

V - Desert of The Empress[]

"I have planted the remaining seeds from the Fruit of Resurrection into the castle grounds, praying that, 1000 years hence, a tree will grow large enough to bear this life- giving fruit. From this tiny seed must grow a tree so large that it covers the castle in its holiness. I saw this as a vision.

So, as the tree grows, I will wait, suspended in a thousand years of sleep, voluntarily fossilized by the Evil Eye of the basilisk. Before I rest, there are still things I have to do."

Tower v

Tower V has 49 spaces total.


  • Aloe (spaces 2,4,10,16,20,22,35,38,43,46) (spaces not finished)
  • Limestone (spaces 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48)
  • Copper (spaces 1,5,9,13,17,25,41,45,49) (spaces not finished)
  • Gold Dust (spaces 39,40)
  • Tourmaline (spaces 39,40)


Items from Monsters:
